Humane discourse: A framework for compassionate communication

Event Time

Thursday, May 16 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM CT

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Event Location

Location: Lila Cockrell Theater

Workshop Details

Title: Humane discourse: A framework for compassionate communication


Community members and advocates are critical to our efforts to build more humane communities but our interactions with them may not always be productive or based on a deep understanding of the work of animal welfare. So, what happens when your organization experiences behaviors that are counterintuitive to the mission such as threats, harassment, and bullying?

In this main stage session, a panel of animal welfare professionals will join together to discuss the importance of respectful dialogue in the animal welfare and veterinary care spaces. You will hear first-hand experiences from a variety of backgrounds, examples of how storytelling transformed communities and leave with the understanding and tools to assess and address negative comments and turn them into catalysts for change. You will learn ways you and your organization can work with communities and others in animal welfare to build a compassionate framework for disagreement.  You will leave feeling reinvigorated to engage with internal and external stakeholders in a respectful and effective exchange of ideas rooted in compassion.


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